
ChatGPT for Excel

Schedule: 31 March, 2025 (Monday)
Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID : 2558

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Webinar Details

This course is designed to teach learners how to use CHATGPT for Excel, a powerful tool that can help you automate tasks, analyze data, and create reports in Excel. Throughout the course, learners will explore the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel, like basic navigation and data import/export 
Whether you are a data analyst, business professional, or simply someone looking to improve your Excel skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your Excel game to the next level.


This course is designed to teach learners how to use CHATGPT for Excel, a powerful tool that can help you automate tasks, analyze data, and create reports in Excel. Throughout the course, learners will explore the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel, like basic navigation and data import/export 
Whether you are a data analyst, business professional, or simply someone looking to improve your Excel skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your Excel game to the next level.



  • Learn how to navigate the CHATGPT for Excel interface with ease and familiarity
  • Learn the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel, including how to use it to automate tasks and analyze data
  • Learn how to import and export data using CHATGPT for Excel, enabling them to work with a wide range of data sources and formats.
  • Learn the power and flexibility of CHATGPT for Excel


  • Business owners 
  • CEO’s / CFO’s / CTO’s
  • Managers of all levels
  • Anybody who uses Excel on a regular basis, and want to be more efficient and productive
  • Administrators

This course is designed to teach learners how to use CHATGPT for Excel, a powerful tool that can help you automate tasks, analyze data, and create reports in Excel. Throughout the course, learners will explore the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel, like basic navigation and data import/export 
Whether you are a data analyst, business professional, or simply someone looking to improve your Excel skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your Excel game to the next level.


  • Learn how to navigate the CHATGPT for Excel interface with ease and familiarity
  • Learn the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel, including how to use it to automate tasks and analyze data
  • Learn how to import and export data using CHATGPT for Excel, enabling them to work with a wide range of data sources and formats.
  • Learn the power and flexibility of CHATGPT for Excel
  • Business owners 
  • CEO’s / CFO’s / CTO’s
  • Managers of all levels
  • Anybody who uses Excel on a regular basis, and want to be more efficient and productive
  • Administrators



Tom Fragale is a computer professional with over 30 years of professional experience. He has trained over 30,000 business people in on-line webinars, public seminars, and on-site training. His clients include many Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, military bases, and companies large and small across many industries, including manufacturing, banking, pharmaceutical, education, retail, etc. He started his career as a database application programmer and has served as a consultant and project manager on many successful projects. His topics of expertise include: Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Crystal Reports, SQL Server, Visio, QuickBooks, and SharePoint, among others. His passion is training people and helping people get the most out of their computers, and he is a published author having written a book on Microsoft Access. He graduated in 1988 from LaSalle University in Philadelphia, PA with a BA in Computer Science.

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